Smartest Apps, new patterns, further interaction and multi-device platforms can generate incoherence and attention deficit.


Zombie Apocalypse of Electronics

Extra features, smarter applications, new patterns interactive and multi-device platforms that enable a greater localization, talk more and interact otherwise with everyone. At the same time we observe a major confrontation of messages, less coherence of objectives rather ADHD or a deficit communicational attention and less public relations.

Things in the field of multi-device communications are switching at an accelerated rate. After the period of “free-for-all”, we are living a time of transition through which the new multi channel reality becomes necessary to rethink challenges, to separate the bottom of the form and to innovate in the processes. A new moment that Scott Jenson has called Zombie Apocalypse of Electronics.

The new multi-device reality forces us to pay more attention than ever before on the communication strategies and the public relations multi-platform in order to find simple and direct answers.

Although the business culture, tools and processes of each company, brand, leader or cause are different, we aim some patterns and trends to keep in mind to get successful multi-device communication strategies.

1.- High communication coherence. The high connectivity that allows the current technology development requires the control and synchronization of all multi-device messages. All channels should be oriented toward the same goal (something not easy to achieve).

2.- Semantic structure and communication discrimination. One option to get the maximum coherence in the content, is to perform a semantic structuring of multichannel content.

3.- Unique and custom pieces. This strategy of structuring and communication discrimination results in an informative piece depending on the display device, consistent with the initial pre-established objectives.

4.- Responsive design. Sometimes it’s possible the option to build the contents through adaptive design models (responsive design). This requires an automatic interface to adapt the screen to the width and depth.

5.- Interdepartmental communication. This is one of the main keys of success in the multi-device communication strategies. To adapt to new environments multi-channel consumption is must be avoided the “decoupling” between content and its operators.

Today, the strategy is indispensable in the multi-device communication and this should be directed toward highly structured content selection, while resorting to more innovative and creative informative models.